CategoryNCR Cluster 2

The Shadow Walks Among Us


There’s a killer on the loose. I woke up to the sound of clamor outside my home. My neighbors, as if anticipating the arrival of a storm, were on edge: the females wailed and held their children close, the males broke their resolve by pacing back and forth, and the others stood in the middle of the yard, waiting for the daylight to finally wash away the darkness lying at the heart of the morning...

National Capital Region Cluster 2


Introduksyon The stories in this collection trace the coming of age, the rite of passage, of three female writers. One finds her voice in writing; another finds a metaphor in the animal world; and yet another seeks the truth via the feminist cause. They constitute a new female voice and they work toward a fair representation of their personal angst that somehow redound to the whole young culture...

One Writer


She was supposed to be part of that life, that past life, that other life that she thought she had buried. But there she stood, across the table, mere inches from her, and Jeanne instinctively shrank. It was funny, but not the fun, humorous kind of funny. How much the mind forgets, but the body—with its brain and its heart—remembers, always remembers. Jeanne shrank back and paled. Her hands...



The mall salesman had led me to an aisle of standing mirrors. He pointed at the lofty mirror, asking if it was what I needed. Then, he pointed at another one before leaving and giving me enough time to contemplate the extent of my vanity. I turned away from the standing mirror and explored the next aisle where I browsed the different shapes and sizes displayed on each shelf. I sauntered through...