Ha’on nan papayo an wada ni’ hinan hinlibu
an pinhun di numboblaya’
mu mannin attog maid moy balol u
adwani ya nan bahbahhinity awada’
Madmadngol upay di ungak di wa’el ya wangwang
ya tuliyo’ di liting hinadan piping-pingit
mu nagnu nagata namagananday udum hi adol u
ya ulay pinhod un kumga
ya maid ha bumuduh luwa
Matmattigo’ di bihhita’
an malpuh boblen naduma-duma
mu mangmango’ nadan u’unga
an immongngal hi hin-onga’
ya puntaynana’
Mahunghung uy banglun di tinawo
ya hay hong-al di baya
mu nganu ngata an ay mun-ama’id
di langhin di dolog ya yuyu
ya apiit di aammayu
Matamtam u pay di liting
an malpuh nikungkung an muyung
mu nganu ngata on ay puma’pait
an kay dimmakol di niddum
hi nal-ot an kodot
Magibo’ uy amlong di bimmoble
hin pohod ha eda bimo’laan
mu nganu ngata on waday danag u
an udum hi algo
ya ona’ matowwanan
Pinhod u kuma din algo
an nan u’unga ya ona’ bihbihhitawon
pinhod u din algo an toon maida hinan pihhu
ya ona’ ammayuwon
ha’on nan papayo, okod ah balol u
Rants of the terraces
I am the terraces once in the thousand-peso bill
of my homeland
but I may have diminished in value
I am now in the twenty-peso bill
I can still hear the roar of the streams and rivers
and the trickle of water at the boundaries
but I wonder why some of my body parts are dry
and when I want to cry
I can’t force a tear to come out of my eye
I can still see a lot of my guests
from the distant places
but I catch sight of children
who grew up on my bosom
who are going away
I can still smell the aroma of the native rice
and the distinct tang of the rice wine
but I feel something’s vanishing
the strong odor of mudfish and eel
and the fragrance of burnt feathers or hairs
I can still taste the water
flowing from my crown of forests
but I wonder why it’s getting bitter
as though it had been mixed
with some potent poison
I can feel the joy of the people
if their other labors have turned to fortune
but why do I have this worry
that the time will come
when I will be forgotten
I still love those days
that children frequently visit me
I still like those days when I was not on the bill
but people caress me
I am the terraces, you determine my value